이 글은 WACV 2022에 게재된 논문 Complete Face Recovery GAN: Unsupervised Joint Face Rotation and De-Occlusion from a Single-View Image에 대한 리뷰입니다.
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코드는 다음 repo에 공개되어 있습니다.
GitHub - yeongjoonJu/CFR-GAN: Complete Face Recovery GAN: Unsupervised Joint Face Rotation and De-Occlusion from a Single-View I
Complete Face Recovery GAN: Unsupervised Joint Face Rotation and De-Occlusion from a Single-View Image (WACV 2022) - GitHub - yeongjoonJu/CFR-GAN: Complete Face Recovery GAN: Unsupervised Joint Fac...
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